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Game Hockey Table games Craft

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Vitrual world - beautiful

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Table games

Board game is a game based on the manipulation of a relatively small set of objects that can fit entirely on the table or in the hands of the players. Board games include games with a special field, card games, dice, soldiers and others. Games of this category, unlike sports and video games, do not require active movement of players, additional technically complex equipment or special structures, playgrounds, fields, etc.

История настольных игр насчитывает не менее 5500 лет. В современных исследованиях высказывается мнение, что история этих игр была общей. Так, Дэвид Парлетт, автор «Оксфордской истории настольных игр», считает, что все, даже самые современные настольные игры имеют древнейшие прототипы и, следовательно, общие корни. Происхождение наиболее древних известных сегодня настольных игр прослеживается из «плодородного полумесяца», Китая и Индии.

По типу используемых предметов:

Карточные игры

Игральные кости

Игры миниатюр (англ. Miniature games) — солдатики, «железная дорога»

Игры с карандашом и бумагой (англ. Paper and pencil game) — Крестики-нолики, Морской бой, Точки, Балда

Настольные игры с игровым полем — шахматы, шашки, нарды, мельница

Игры, основанные на узоре и плитках (англ. Tile-based game) — маджонг, домино

Ролевые игры — мафия

Словесные игры — контакт



Darwin's theory This is Evolution, a board game about survival and adaptation in the face of constant competition between species. The game is the world's most unusual biology textbook. But this does not mean that she is boring! Herbivores will go to any adaptation possibilities in order to escape from predators, and predators will take measures in response to eat these herbivores. Your creatures will be weighed and combined in the course of the game with useful evolutionary properties. This can be the size of the creature, its ability to swim, disguise and survive. This is how the waterfowl poisonous killer rabbits turn out in the course of the game! You will see all this in the new Russian game called Evolution!



The measured life of the fiefdoms in the vicinity of Carcassonne attracts many people from all over France. There is a lively trade in the cities, construction is in full swing, and the people are getting rich, so that now the lord is forced to reckon with the heads of the communities. We invite you to experience these changes in the social and economic life of Carcassonne at the gaming table. For the first time in Russia - a collection from Carcassonne and four additions to it in one large box. The Royal Gift features 144 terrain squares, 84 wooden tokens and countless exciting games that are now up to six players to play! The set includes "Carcassonne" itself, additions to it "Taverns and Cathedrals", "Merchants and Builders", "Abbot and Mayor" and "King", as well as "Scout" - a small expansion for the game "Hunters and Gatherers".



New edition of the classic "Monopoly" with 8 tokens voted on by fans in early 2017! Children and adults alike can feel like real high-flying tycoons. Buy property, invest in houses and hotels, collect rents and make great deals with your opponents.

More table games



I can transfer a character to the real world


Гильгамеш - Истинное имя Арчера — Гильгамеш, великий король, наполовину человек (отец — Лугальбанда, король города Урук), наполовину — бог (мать — богиня Нинсун). Правил городом-государством шумеров Урук, который был столицей древней Месопотамии.

Пугало (англ. Scarecrow) — суперзлодей вселенной DC Comics. В детстве, когда Джонатан Крейн был ещё школьником, над ним издевались все его «знакомые». Однако Крейн обладал развитым умом. В студенческом возрасте он поступил в Готэмский университет на факультет психологии.


Лоствейн - небольшой одноручный меч, изогнутый к острию и имеющий на своей гарде эмблему дракона.

Цветок в форме с 4 лепестками; Лепесток имеет ядро цвета морской волны с оранжевой каймой.


Мьёльнир (англ. Mjolnir) — боевой молот Тора. Тор носит молот Мьёльнир, выкованный из металла уру.

In work


Костюм Амона

Амон персонаж аниме из "Аватар: легенда о Корре"


Меч Эстароссы

Эстаросса Демон один из 10 заповедей в аниме "Семь Смертных грехов"


Веер Темари

Темари персонаж из Наруто


Меч Хельбрама

Хельбрам фей и друг Кинга из аниме "Семь смертных грехов"

My assistants



Помогаеи работать с деревом убирая лишние см дерева, также подходит для пластика



Многофункциональный товарищ, выручает во многих случая, компактный и мощный


Finally, let's talk where I get my inspiration from


comicon igromir

Works of famous cosplayers

well, and a great opportunity to translate images into reality

About Cosplay

Cosplay, a portmanteau of the words "costume play", is an activity and performance art in which participants called cosplayers wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture, and a broader use of the term "cosplay" applies to any costumed role-playing in venues apart from the stage. Any entity that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Favorite sources include anime, cartoons, comic books, manga, television series, and video games. Cosplay grew out of the practice of fan costuming at science fiction conventions, beginning with Morojo's "futuristicostumes" created for the 1st World Science Fiction Convention held in New York City in 1939. The Japanese term "cosplay" (コスプレ, kosupure) was coined in 1984. A rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as a hobby since the 1990s has made the phenomenon a significant aspect of popular culture in Japan, as well as in other parts of East Asia and in the Western world. Cosplay events are common features of fan conventions, and today there are many dedicated conventions and competitions, as well as social networks, websites, and other forms of media centered on cosplay activities. Cosplay is very popular among all genders, and it is not unusual to see genders switched.


The term "cosplay" is a Japanese portmanteau of the English terms costume and play. The term was coined by Nobuyuki Takahashi of Studio Hard after he attended the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Los Angeles and saw costumed fans, which he later wrote about in an article for the Japanese magazine My Anime. Takahashi decided to coin a new word rather than use the existing translation of the English term "masquerade" because that translates into Japanese as "an aristocratic costume", which did not match his experience of the Worldcon. The coinage reflects a common Japanese method of abbreviation in which the first two moras of a pair of words are used to form an independent compound: 'costume' becomes kosu (コス) and 'play' becomes pure (プレ).